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根据科罗拉多州公用事业委员会(PUC)规则3407-3409或4407-4409, 您拥有与中断和恢复您的银河官网服务相关的某些权利. These rights are set out below and in the disconnect notice. Also, 本通知的左侧列出了可能能够帮助符合条件的低收入客户支付冬季水电费的机构名单.


如果您对您的权利有任何疑问,请联系PUC对外事务部 303-894-2070. Outside the (303) calling area, call 1-800-456-0858. The address is:
1560 Broadway, Suite 250,
Denver, CO 80202.

  1. 您可以在终止日期前支付至少断开通知上显示的十分之一的金额,并与我们签订付款安排,以偿还您的逾期余额,以避免服务中断. To avoid discontinuation or to restore discontinued service, we may require payment by cash or certified funds.
  2. 如果您是住家客户,中断服务将加重或造成医疗状况或紧急情况, 您可以向我们银河官网网址提供医疗证明,延迟90天断网. 该证书必须由科罗拉多州有执照的医生或有执照的健康从业者开具. 它必须清楚地显示有问题的客户或个人的姓名以及科罗拉多州的医疗识别号码, the telephone number, 以及在医生授权下证明医疗紧急情况的医生或保健从业人员的签名. 该证书自公用事业公司收到之日起生效,有效期为90天,以防止服务中断. 在原来的60天期限届满之前,您可以通过银河官网网址提供医疗证明获得90天的延期. A medical certification may be invoked only once in any 12-month period.
  3. You are entitled to a hearing, in person, before one of our customer service managers or the manager's designee, according to procedures adopted by us for such hearings.
  4. 您可以拨打断开通知上显示的电话号码与我们联系以解决任何争议. Our Customer Service Center can be contacted at 1-888-890-5554 during normal Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Mountain.
  5. You have the right to make an informal complaint to the PUC by letter, telephone, e-mail or in person. You may also request, in writing, a hearing before the Commission. PUC可以命令我们在调查和/或听证会之前不要终止您的服务. When you request a hearing before the PUC, you may be required to give us a deposit or increase an existing deposit amount. The amount will be determined by the PUC.
  6. When service to a customer has been discontinued, it must be restored within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays), 或在十二(12)小时内,如果客户支付任何必要的小时后费用, if the customer satisfies any one of the conditions set out hereunder. Unless prevented from doing so by safety concerns or extenuating circumstances, service must be restored after the customer:
    1. A. 全额支付断线通知书上所列的管制收费,以及任何所需的按金、托收及重新接驳费用.

    2. Pays any collection or reconnection fees required by Company tariff, 进入分期付款计划并进行首次分期付款, 除非断开连接的原因是客户违反了这样的安排. Installment payment plans may be for up to 12 equal monthly installments.

    3. Presents a medical emergency certificate as set out in Rule 3407 (e) (IV).

    4. Demonstrates to the Company that the cause for discontinuance, if other than nonpayment, has been cured. 在不同时段定期接驳电力服务,如下图所示:

      Normal Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Mountain Time $0

      After Hours: all other hours, including all day on weekends, and holidays $75.

  7. Reconnection of electricity service performed during time periods, as shown:

    1. 住宅和小型商业客户要求在24小时内,不包括周末和节假日:15美元.00

    2. 住宅和小型商业客户要求在12小时内,或周末和节假日:15美元.00 

    3. 所有其他非住宅客户要求在24小时内,不包括周末和节假日:$50.00

    4. 所有其他非住宅客户要求在12小时内,或周末和节假日:$75.00

      Note: 本公司在山区时间晚上9点后接听的所有客户电话将被安排在白天, 除非公司确定并且存在紧急情况,否则确定将包括哪些内容, but not be limited to, health and age of the occupants, and potential property damage such as frozen pipes.

  8. 当美国国家气象局的早间天气预报显示气温将达到80℃时,公司将推迟切断住宅用户的供电 35 degrees Fahrenheit or lower during the following 24 hours.

  9. 当美国国家气象局早上预报气温将达到95度时,公司将推迟中断住宅用户的供电 degrees Fahrenheit or higher during the following 24 hours.

  10. The Company will not disconnect service during the following times:

    1. if it is outside the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M Monday through Thursday;

    2. if it is outside the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon on Friday;

    3. 如果是在州假日或联邦假日前一天中午12点到美国东部时间上午8点之间.M. the day following a state or federal holiday; or

    4. 如果是在布莱克山当地办事处关门前一天中午12点到上午8点之间.M. the day following Black Hills’ local office is closed.


    科罗拉多州低收入银河官网援助计划(LEAP)是一项由联邦政府资助的计划,由科罗拉多州人类服务部(CDHS)运营,帮助符合条件的科罗拉多州人支付部分冬季家庭取暖费用.  LEAP项目通过银河官网网址提供取暖费用援助,帮助社区在冬季(11月至次年4月)保持温暖, equipment repair and/or replacement of inoperable heating tools. While the program is not intended to pay the entire cost of home heating, 其目的是帮助减轻科罗拉多州寒冷月份带来的一些负担.  To learn more about LEAP, visit the CDHS webpage here:
    该计划的目的是根据委员会规则3412向住宅客户银河官网网址提供账单支付援助, 4 Code of Colorado Regulations 723-3. BHEAP is a percentage-of-income-payment plan (PIPP). 有关BHEAP的更多信息,包括资格要求和申请方式,请 please visit our webpage.
    布莱克山的DSM计划有各种各样的项目,可以帮助减少客户的使用. For a list of DSM programs, including requirements to participate, the benefits of participating, and contact information relating to such programs visit our energy efficiency webpage here. 


Other agencies

The following agencies provide assistance to customers in need:

Agency Contact information
Energy Outreach Colorado

Aspen Mine Center (Community of Caring Foundation) 166 E Bennett Ave
Cripple Creek, CO 80813
Crowley County Dept. of Human Services 631 Main St.
Suite 100
Ordway, CO 81063
Catholic Charities-Diocese of Pueblo 429 W. 10 St.
Suite 101
Pueblo, CO 81001
Pueblo County Department of Social Services 212 W 12 Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
Tri-County Family Care Center 512 1/2 North Main St.
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Custer County Board of County Commissioners 205 South 6th St.
Westcliffe, CO 81252
Arch 2-1-1 Senior Link SRDA Building
230 N Union
Pueblo, CO 81003
Loaves and Fishes Ministries - Fremont County 241 Justice Center Rd.
Canon City, CO 81212
POSADA 827 E 4th St.
Pueblo, CO 81001
Pueblo County United Way 310 E Abriendo Avenue
Suite 300 
Pueblo, CO 81004



If you are an occupant of a service address, not a customer of record, and have a court ordered protection against a customer of record, 请与澳门银河官网网址公司联系,将服务转让给您自己或创建一个新帐户. In such instances, 您可能要对账户上的任何余额负责,但不负责因未付款而产生的费用. Discontinuance of service may also be delayed, 服务可能会暂时恢复,具体情况视具体情况而定.